Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Taeyeon Instagram Account - What it means

So prior to reports that SNSD are living separately now, I posted this
I like to think that I can predict stuff accurately, or at least, I observed correctly - makes me think that I am on the right track. Alright, so I have been a little MIA the past months due to travelling and work. Darn. With that said, I thought I would have missed a whole load of SNSD news. Sadly (or luckily), I haven't. SNSD had been busy with their Japan tour. And it seems like Taeyeon's new Instagram is the most happening thing these weeks to come for all SONES.

What does this account for Taeyeon means? I interpreted it as: for SM to allow a Girls' Generation to open a public social media account, that meant they have loosen the rope a little on the girls. It is also another indication that the dating rule is probably more relaxed. Furthermore, with less spotlights on the girls due to their activities overseas, and that the girls are getting older, the girls are bound to rebel more and demand for more freedom. They are no longer girls.

OR that, Taeyeon had forcefully demanded/threatened to connect with her international fans OR else.... I always knew there was something independent and adamant about her. And lonely. Her opening this account could possibly mean to connect better to her fans, but also, a way to fight loneliness while the rest of her members busy themselves with their lives and friends. Please don't be a dick and bullshit tell me that she ain't lonely and she has all her members. F you. It's so obvious c'mon. Or should that be a post by itself?

Alright, so what does this account means to her fans? Beside that we will all <3 her photos to propel all her photos to top trending photos on Instagram, it is a platform for us to know where she is and what she (and the girls) are up to. For instance, now, we know that she's in UK on her personal trip. Without this IG, she and the rest of SNSD would have faded in the background during their break, what's with all the new idol groups coming out (honestly Im just sayin' cuz I haven't kept up, damn I only just found out Wondergirl's Sun is married and preggy.)

Will the other members create their own Instagram account too? I would think NO to Facebook, but Twitter and Instagram, probably. So far, we haven't seen much haters on Taeyeon's instagram, all I really see are LOVES and general LOVES and probably some stalkings to the photos she liked or accounts she subscribes to. In fact, generally, haters are from South Korea. And South Koreans using IG are too small a number to compare with the rest of the IG using worldwide fans. So if another member creates an account, who will it be?

So, just a small observation if you are stalking Taeyeon's account, always hoping to be one of the first few to like her photos. Well, when she post 1 up, she's likely to post another up within the next few minutes. She is seriously posting a lottas photos very often, and TBH I would not have done that in her position. Better not to give so much, save a little.. And she's commenting in KOrean or Japanese which honestly, while I have nothing against the languages, I do feel frustrated without translation. Like, "What's the point if I don't uds" so I don't bother checking them out so often anymore. I'd just wait go to some site that translate it and read it all at once. Of course with that said, I used Instagram just cuz of her, so for all you Instagram maniac out there, I am not speaking for you. ALRIGHT BYE, till we see again. COmment if you want me to remark on anything :)

A side note, to be honest, I don't understand why TaeTiSeo are no longer the MC of the Music Core. That was a great opportunity which does not take much time (1 day a week) and is an extra source of income (okay though Im guessing it's not a lottas money) but best of all, it allows them 3 to connect to the fans on such close levels.

Taeyeon's IG: taeyeon_ss
Hyoyeon's IG: watasiwahyo
Yuri's IG: yulyulk
Sunny's IG: svnnynight
Sooyoung's IG: syofgg

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